What if flowers had eyes and could see how beautiful they are like this sunflower with eye! What would flowers say if they had mouth? Would they like what they hear if they had ears? There is so much for people to think about before they do something because their action affects everything, but they don't even realize it. They throw garbage on the streets, spill toxic wastes in rivers, lakes and oceans, they destroy miles of forests, kill animals without need, sometimes just for fun. They also kill other people and even themselves. How can it be fun to kill alive being? What kind of monsters live inside us that we destroy our own environment where we live in? In what kind of world will our children live, what will they eat - toxic wastes? What will they breath - gas? It is time to think what you are doing, because what we do to our planet is a slow suicide for all mankind and murder of all other live creatures on Earth. We call it mother Earth, well we are killing our own mother. Look at this beautiful sunflower with eye and remember to think twice before you saw a branch you seat on!