So are koala bears dangerous you ask? Well, that cute little creatures can be dangerous like every existing animal in some way when they get angry! If animal feels danger, it prepares to protect itself or it's babies! So koala bears do when they are disturbed by some other animal or humans. Of course there is a minimal opportunity to get killed by koala, but everything is possible in theory. Probably koala would just scratch or bite you! It's teeth and nails are pretty sharp to make harm to your skin. But fortunately by it's nature koalas are friendly and peaceful animals they rather sit on the trees and chew some tasty leaves. It is always good to remember that if animal looks small, fluffy and cute that doesn't mean that it just can't wait you to pet it! Wild animals stays wild and don't understand your intentions are they good or bad, so it is smarter to stay away from wild animals even cute ones like koala bears!